Just like humans, not all days are the same for dogs as well. Sadly, puppy diarrhea is a fact of life for pet owners. Because they do not yet have completely developed immune systems, puppies may be slightly more susceptible to stress and possible infection sources than adults.
Even a healthy puppy will probably experience diarrhea at one time or another. Puppies do not have fully functioning immune systems, so they can be slightly more sensitive to changes and infections. Mild cases of diarrhea can go away quickly on their own, but other causes can indicate a severe problem. The most common reasons puppies get diarrhea include stress, diet changes, parasites, and infection.
When your puppy has diarrhea, you should know what to look for and do next. This blog is dedicated to all these scenarios. So, let’s begin with the blog.
Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea But Is Still Playful?
Even though your puppy might have diarrhea, still act normal and playful, just like regular days. It’s in their nature that they can easily push through their physical problems and do their best to bring joy into our lives.

They are bursting with uncontrollable energy and zest for life. They continue to play while having a bad stomach ache.
The possibilities might shift in different scenarios. For example, you can experience your puppy having an upset stomach whenever they consume new food or abrupt diet changes. When this occurs, their bodies go into overdrive and work tirelessly to correct the situation. So, despite the flu, they swiftly recover and continue as if nothing happened.
Also, puppies have speedy metabolisms, which is another interesting fact. Their tiny immunological and digestive systems are still growing and adjusting to the many meals and materials around them. Hence, the reason of their tummy is acting up.
However, their bodies quickly heal and revert to their silly, mischievous ways. Watching them and seeking assistance is compulsory if conditions remain unchanged. After all, we want our furry friend to be happy and healthy.
Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea But Still Can Act Normal?
You only want the best for your furry buddy when you’re a proud puppy parent. Therefore, it makes sense to worry when you see that your gorgeous dog has diarrhea. Even more puzzling is if your puppy has diarrhea and appears to act normally despite this terrible stomach problem. As discussed above, dogs are resilient and stay energetic even when feeling low.
What are the Common Causes of Diarrhea in Puppies?
Dogs with healthy immune systems occasionally get diarrhea because their systems aren’t fully developed. As a result, puppies are more susceptible to changes and potential infection sources than adult dogs.
Typically, diarrhea ranges from one or two minor bouts to gastrointestinal symptoms that could point to a more severe condition. With the proper treatment, most mild diarrhea episodes can be cured and might not be severely infected.
However, the most common causes of diarrhea in puppies are parasites, allergies, illnesses, and environmental factors. Let’s discuss each one of the causes of diarrhea in puppies.
1. Diet Change – Eating Things They Shouldn’t
Regardless of your dog’s age, diarrhea can result from abrupt food changes. If you wish to change your puppy’s diet, do so gradually over a few days, starting with a small amount of the new food blended in with the old and increasing the proportion of new food. Some dogs can have food allergies or, less frequently, food intolerances. They may also result in diarrhea. Determining whether your pup has a food allergy or intolerance takes time.
2. Intestinal Parasites
Wiggles adore puppies! Puppies can contract roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, coccidia, and giardia, among other common parasites. The most frequent way for parasites to spread is through feces (a dog with worms would urinate out eggs and larvae, and a puppy will sniff poop and inhale them). Some, like whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, Giardia & Coccidia, can pass from a mother to her pups via the placenta.
Puppies with parasites may have bloody diarrhea, swollen bellies, a thin appearance, or be lethargic in addition to having diarrhea. Sometimes, worms can be seen in their poop.
To reduce the amount of parasitic worms inhabiting the soil and environment, carefully clean your yard and remove all poop. Otherwise, your puppy can catch the infection again from her own feces.
3. Food Allergies
Dogs with certain food allergies and insensitivities may get diarrhea. You may need to look for these specific elements in their food. If your dog consistently has diarrhea just after eating, there might be a problem with the diet. Moving your dog to a different brand of better food is one way to deal with this. Also, try to feed bland food and avoid indigestible foods.
Grain, meat, dairy, or artificial additives are common dog allergies. These components can disrupt the digestive system and result in diarrhea. You can quickly reduce the symptoms and promote better digestive health for your beloved buddy by avoiding foods that may cause allergies.
4. Stress
Being a puppy can be a lot of fun but also stressful because there are so many new things to learn. Getting a new home, meeting new people and animals, being habitual to walking on a leash, and getting shots at the doctor. Your puppy may have diarrhea due to the stress brought on by all of these situations. Stress-related diarrhea typically develops within a few hours to a day of the stressful incident and normally goes away on its own.
5. Dietary Indiscretion and Toxicities
Puppies love to chew on everything, much like young children do. Eating the incorrect thing can result in diarrhea in a few distinct ways. A typical veterinarian diagnostic called “dietary indiscretion” means your dog ate something she shouldn’t have. This might involve eating the trash from your picnic, ingesting a chewed-up tennis ball, or gorging on your amaryllis plant.
The precise symptoms your puppy will experience if she eats something harmful will depend on what and how much she eats. Even non-food items that are not harmful might cause issues if they become lodged and clog your puppy’s digestive system. A puppy with an obstruction can also vomit, be lethargic, refuse food, and experience gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea. A stomach upset may result from consuming too many rich or fatty foods. In such conditions, your puppy may vomit, become uneasy, and have diarrhea.
6. Viral Infection
Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that ruins your puppy’s immune system and physical makeup, resulting in severe diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, fever, and lethargy. Supportive care is a form of treatment to help your puppy battle the illness and deal with the symptoms. A puppy with parvo will probably be hospitalized, so she may require medication, intravenous fluids to stay hydrated, and continuous care from her veterinarian team. Especially if treatment is initiated too late, parvo is sometimes lethal.
7. Bacterial Infections
Your puppy may also contract bacterial infections in her gastrointestinal tract and viruses like parvo, which can result in diarrhea. Salmonella, E. coli, and Clostridium are typical offenders. These are the most apparent intestinal parasites in puppies. Your puppy can acquire these via eating spoiled food or infected animal excreta. She will become less prone to these little invaders as she ages and her immune system completes development.
When You Should Take Your Puppy To The Vet

There’s no reason to freak out if your puppy gets diarrhea and otherwise seems healthy and playful. Most likely, it will solve itself.
Here are some indicators that it’s time to make an appointment with your veterinarian:
- Diarrhea for more than a day, along with vomiting
- Lethargy
- Bloody or black stool
- Pale gums
- Fever
- Stomach ache
If your puppy has had a couple of bouts of loose stool and is otherwise happy and doing great, there is no need to panic. But if your puppy has diarrhea that lasts more than a day, bloody or black stool, or lethargy, it’s time to visit the vet.
What To Do If Your Puppy Has Bloody Diarrhea
Few things can worry a pet parent more than knowing that their favorite puppy has bloody diarrhea. Although this startling sight could make you panic, it’s crucial to maintain your composure and take the necessary actions to protect your furry friend’s health and wellbeing. Bloody diarrhea in pups might indicate several underlying problems. Blood in your puppy’s feces could indicate a severe condition that must be treated immediately. So it is best to concern your vet before it’s too late.
What is the Difference Between Mild and Severe Diarrhea in Puppies?

Puppies frequently have diarrhea, so it’s crucial for responsible pet owners to know the difference between mild and severe diarrhea and how to handle these issues.
Identifying Mild Diarrhea
Puppy diarrhea is typically a transient condition that can be treated at home. It’s vital to spot the warning indicators, which include:
- Soft Stools: Stools are soft, but they are not wet.
- No Blood or Mucus: The feces do not include any blood or mucus that can be seen.
- Normal behavior: The puppy doesn’t display any signs of distress and continues to be lively and energetic.
- No Frequent Accidents: Accidents in the house occur infrequently.
Identification of Severe Diarrhea
Puppies with severe diarrhea have a more serious condition that needs medical attention. Important signs include:
- Consistently watery stools: Stools may be bloody or mucus-filled.
- Lethargy: Your puppy starts to show signs of illness, gets lethargic, and loses interest in playing.
- Accidents Happening Frequently: Accidents happen a lot in the house.
- Dehydration: Symptoms such as dry mouth and drooping eyes become apparent.
When To Seek Help?

Knowing that particular signs could point to a more severe problem with your puppy’s diarrhea is essential. It’s critical to call your veterinarian right away if your puppy is feeling lethargy, has stomach pain, or lack of appetite and also, exhibits any of these symptoms:
- Bloody diarrhea
- Black, Tarry stools
- Fever
- Pale gums
- Vomiting
- Lethargy or Lack of Energy
- Abdominal Pain
- Refusal to Eat or Drink
How To Get Rid Of Diarrhea In Puppies At Home?
With a few household treatments and awareness of how to get rid of diarrhea at home, you can prevent this issue from becoming severe. A little tricks can make a huge difference to your puppy’s health. So, what are those tricks that are effective to treat your puppy’s diarrhea at home, let’s unveil them all.
1. Feed Bland food
We cannot make enough stress on this that food can make or break your puppy’s digestive system. Resting your puppy’s immunological and digestive systems while it has diarrhea is essential. There are better strategies than complete fasting.
- You must give them a light meal of gently digestible plain boiled white rice. Make the rice more appetizing by adding some boiled chicken or bone broth, but remember to wait until the next day to give them the chicken.
- Avoid adding fats or spices to the dish, as they can make their stomachs even more uncomfortable. You must give some rest to your puppy’s upset stomach while giving them the nutrients they need by giving them bland food and an easy-to-digest diet.
2. Smaller portions
Divide the food into smaller amounts rather than feeding your puppy one big meal.
- This provides the nutrition they need to recover from diarrhea while easing their stomach and digestive system strain.
- By dividing the meals into smaller pieces, you can help your puppy’s tummy adjust to the new diet more quickly.
- This strategy encourages a more efficient digestive process and prevents them from feeling overstuffed.
3. Hydration
When pups experience diarrhea, dehydration can be harmful. Puppies who experience diarrhea may lose electrolytes and water. It’s crucial to give them a lot of water. This will enable them to regain any lost material during defecation.
- Try feeding your puppy an electrolyte solution or freezing water into cubes to suck and ingest gradually if they don’t appear interested in drinking water.
- For your puppy to recover, it’s essential to keep them well-hydrated. You can help prevent dehydration and boost their well-being by providing water or substitutes like electrolyte solutions or frozen cubes.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics are helpful bacteria that control harmful bacteria and help in maintaining a healthy balance in your puppy’s or dog’s digestive tract and system.
- The general health of your puppy depends on maintaining a balance between healthy and harmful germs. For your dog, yogurt or Yakult can be a secure and beneficial source of probiotics.
- A tablespoon of yogurt or Yakult is enough to boost the growth of beneficial bacteria in their stomachs. These are beneficial to resist bacterial and parasitic infections.
5. Fiber-rich foods
Your puppy’s diet should contain fiber-rich foods and act as binders, such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and specialty food supplements.
- These foods have the perfect quantity of fiber and other beneficial ingredients that prevent fluid loss, restoring the solidity of the feces. These fibrous diets encourage more substantial and well-formed bowel motions in your puppy by providing bulk and managing the digestive process.
- Consult your veterinarian for individualized nutritional recommendations and ensure your meals suit your puppy’s needs.
How To Prevent Puppy Diarrhea?

Any puppy may experience spells of diarrhea, but as pet parents, you can take precautions to lessen the possibility. If your puppy has diarrhea but is act normal, still you must keep an eye on him. Here are some easy recommendations for avoiding diarrhea in puppies:
- Keep an eye on your puppy to keep them from consuming dangerous substances.
- When left unattended, crate your puppy to protect them.
- Introduce new foods gradually over 7–10 days to allow for healthy digestion.
- Use pet-safe disinfectants to clean surfaces and stop the spread of hazardous bacteria.
- To guard against infectious diseases, adhere to the vaccination regimen advised by your veterinarian.
- Keep your puppy away from unvaccinated dogs and crowded settings until it has received all its vaccinations.
- Regarding deworming and parasite prevention methods, see your veterinarian.
- To reduce exposure to feces, keep the area clean by swiftly cleaning up after your puppy and other pets.
While some aspects of your puppy’s or dog’s health and happiness might be beyond your control, you can still significantly impact those aspects. By putting these precautions in place, you can lessen the likelihood of your puppy getting diarrhea and contribute to their general well-being.
Final Thoughts
Although your puppy may be experiencing diarrhea, they can still act normal. Puppies are renowned for their tenacity and vigor. However, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on their condition and take action if any indications of their health deteriorating. While some minor bouts of puppy diarrhea may go away on their own with the proper treatment, it’s essential to keep a close eye on your puppy’s health and seek medical advice if diarrhea persists, gets worse, or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms. Your puppy’s health and well-being depend on prompt veterinarian care.
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Puppy Has Diarrhea But Still Playful, How is It Possible?
Puppies are energetic and curious to learn more things regularly. If they feel off, they will act low for some time and bounce back strongly like they never get sick. Hence, as a dog owner, you must take care of them. Watch for changes in the diarrhea’s frequency, color, and consistency.If it only happened once and your dog is otherwise healthy and active, there may not be any urgent cause for alarm. However, wait no more than 48 hours. By then, you should seek medical attention even if your puppy’s only symptom is diarrhea.
Will Puppy Diarrhea Go Away on Its Own?
Due to their highly delicate stomachs, puppies may experience stomach discomfort if their diet suddenly changes. If they suffer diarrhea due to changing their diet too rapidly, it should disappear in a few days. By gradually introducing new diets, it is far better to avoid this from happening if at all feasible.
How Long Is It Okay for My Puppy to Have Diarrhea?
Puppy diarrhea may last a few hours, many days, or even longer. If it persists for over one or two days, consult your veterinarian, mainly if your puppy exhibits additional signs like lethargy or vomiting.
My Puppy Has Diarrhea. What Should I Feed Them?
Before trying to alter your puppy’s diet or administering care at home, you should always get guidance from your veterinarian.To prevent diarrhea, some puppies may need to continue eating the same complete food, while others may need to switch to a different diet to avoid foods that cause intolerance, and still, others may need to try a bland diet for a few days. Your veterinarian can advise you on the best food for your dog based on their symptoms and circumstances.