Dogs, like humans, are social animals. To raise a confident, loving, and compatible breed, socializing them with other dogs and people is very essential.
A social dog knows how to behave, communicate, and coexist. So, if you are looking for advice on when and how to socialize your pooch, you are at the right place.
Importance of Socialization:
Socializing your dog will make them accustomed to the different sounds, smells, and surroundings. The pet won’t suffer from panic attacks when exposed to unexpected changes. Some dogs are scared of children or fear climbing stairs. Acclimatizing them to new surroundings will build their confidence, and keep them happy. A well-trained dog is not just a companion. It will also help you in challenging situations if you give it the right exposure.
Once your pup is 3 months old and gets all the essential vaccines prescribed, take it outdoors and familiarize it with different people, smell, and sound. This is the best time for basic training and making it a friendly dog.
Just so you know, socializing is an ongoing process. You will have to take the right actions at the right time in the best interest of your furry friend. Here are a few tips for you to keep in mind:-
- Acceptance: Like infants, you will have to acclimatize your pup to the surrounding. A new pup is curious to explore new things. This is the best time to introduce it to new objects, like an umbrella, stick, or even a wheelchair so that it doesn’t panic seeing any uncommon objects at the later stage of life. Similarly, introduce them to a different set of people, like kids, people with beards, or people with glasses, etc. Taking a pup out will also introduce it to different smells, tastes, and even the texture of the floor, cloth, or even leaves. It all adds up. More the exposure, confident the dogs are.
- Positive Association: Your dog is hungry for your attention and appreciation. Make sure you appreciate the right behaviors and criticize the wrong ones while introducing them to new people, dogs, or places for that matter. This will train your dog to be excited about having a new company or going to a new place. Make this experience fun for your pooch. You need to be confident while introducing new things. Seeing your vibes, your dog will be confident too, and will start trusting you.
- Human Exposure:As dogs are social beings, they love being comfortable with their humans. You must train your pet in such a way that it comes out of its comfort zone and comfortable in all situations no matter who is holding the leash. Make sure your dog is friendly to your family. Pick turns for walking your four-legged family member. This will make your dog come out of its comfort zone and experience new things without dependency.
- Don’t Rush: Make sure you plan things beforehand and just don’t rush into socializing him one day and keeping him isolated the other. Remember it’s an ongoing process. For example, if you straightaway take your pooch out in a public place, don’t be shocked if it panics. If you want your dog to be comfortable around a group of people, take your family’s help. Make sure it goes out with different people now and then.
- Public Place Exposure: Once your pup is 3 months old and vaccinated, you must take him out to public places. Seeing so many people, and smells at once may get them overwhelmed. People may also approach and even pick your pup. Well, that’s the push they need to come out of their shell and become extroverts. Such exposures are vital for them to get desensitized and accustomed to friendly human touch. Dog parks are another best option to let your dog make more furry friends and socialize.
- Canine Academy: If you don’t have time to train your pet and make it socially acceptable, enroll it in a canine school. With other dogs around, your pup will learn tolerance towards other dogs and humans, along with proper mental and physical stimulation. Academies teach regular commands and basic canine etiquette for home. This not only makes the dog socially acceptable but also and less vulnerable to panic attacks when exposed to unfamiliar situations.
Follow above tips for socializing your pup. As an ideal pet parent, you must make your canine kid ready to face the world. It may seem challenging and even impossible at times but don’t give up. Remember, consistency and patience is the key to raise a confident, smart, and happy breed.