Bernedoodle Dog Breed – A mix of two dog breeds, Doodle and Bernese Mountain Dog. Many dog lovers found this breed incredibly adorable and intelligent. There is a lot of variance within the Bernedoodle mixed breed because breeders have different preferences, and the mother must always be a Bernese mountain dog. They differ in every manner, including height, colour, weight, and nature, but they always carry certain traits from each parent.
This breed possesses impressive mental abilities and is descended from the intelligent Poodles. They are quick learners and appreciate cerebral stimulation, regardless of whether they learn new tricks or follow directions. Quick training is necessary to work on the stubborn nature they inherited from their parents.
Bernedoodle Breed History
The Bernedoodle originated in Canada and was first developed by breeder Sherry Rupke in 2003. Its ancestry was traced to a cross between the Bernese mountain dog and the standard poodle.

A puppy with the mild temperament of the Bernese mountain dog and the intellectual, devoted attitude of the standard poodle was the result of the cross of these two breeds.
Most bernedoodles show an equal genetic distribution between their parents and have the short, curly coat of a standard poodle and Bernese mountain dog markings. However, this dog has no breed standard because it is a crossbreed, commonly known as a hybrid dog.
Hence, the precise traits of Bernedoodle will depend on its parents and the standards the breeder follows.
Today, bernedoodles come in three sizes: tiny, miniature, and standard, though the latter is still the most prevalent. The most known Bernedoodles have the tri-colour pattern of Bernese mountain dogs. People adore this breed for its sweetness, loveliness, and vivacious sociability.
They are the ideal choice for a new dog owners who desire a lively dog without much need of exercise or supervision.
Characteristics of Bernedoodles
The simple facts about Bernedoodles shown here will give you an overview of this breed. This will help you learn the fundamentals of their characteristics, temperament, and maintenance requirements.
Weight: | 10 to 90 lbs. |
Height: | 10 to 29 inches |
Coat Type: | Shorter, soft, and curly or wavy |
Grooming Needs: | Average |
Shedding: | Average |
Temperament: | Affectionate, playful, loyal |
Good With Kids: | Yes |
Good With Other Animals: | Yes |
Intelligence: | Average to high |
Easy to Train: | Yes |
Energy Level: | High |
Barking Habits: | Quiet over excited |
Lifespan: | 12-18 years |
1. Bernedoodles Appearance
Bernedoodles come in various coat colours and patterns due to the vast range of physical variability in their parents’ ancestry. These dogs have pleasant looks and floppy ears, and their sizes range from little to slightly larger than medium dogs.
Depending on whether the Bernese mountain dog or standard poodle is more dominant in their genetics, the coat of the bernedoodle will either be very curly and short or a little longer and straighter.
2. Bernedoodles Coat Colour
Bernedoodles are available in various colours, including tri-colour, piebald, and merle, and other colours, including black, white, rust, red, blue, tan, sable, and silver.
3. Temperament
Since they are loving, devoted, and lively, Bernedoodles are praised as ideal family pets. Their friendly nature makes them terrific companions for playing or taking a long walk outside. They get along well with kids and other animals.
Despite a little stubbornness, this dog is friendly, eager to please, and easily trained. They enjoy acquiring new skills while spending time with their family. Due to their exceptional intelligence, Bernedoodles learn quickly and equally enjoy giving and receiving affection.
4. Bernedoodle Personality
Bernedoodles are a bit more stubborn than their mixed-breed neighbours, the Goldendoodles, but they are just as intelligent. However, depending on whose parent your pup takes, with the Poodle side being fairly high-energy and the Bernese half giving off more peaceful feelings.
Bernedoodles can also be silly, cuddly, and protective, depending on their parents. Even though some Bernedoodles are notorious for being velcro dogs, a behaviour that could indicate separation anxiety, they nevertheless manage to capture your heart with their sweet nature. It’s best to meet the pup’s parents to understand what your Bernedoodle will be like.
5. Sociability of Bernedoodle
A Bernedoodle will undoubtedly be very sociable and want much care regarding training, socialization, and exercise.
Berner’s tendency for sensitivity to strangers can be curbed through early socialization and training on behaving outside, like parks, roads, etc., at a young age.
6. Bernedoodle Dog Training
Since Bernedoodle puppies are energetic, it’s best to start their training as early as possible, especially if you have a standard-sized puppy that needs to learn not to jump up before they grow big enough to cause any damage. Larger Bernedoodles will also mature more quickly than they realize, so training them early in loose leash walking and bite inhibition is critical.
This breed is intelligent, so you’ll need to set limits early on to prevent them from learning what they can get away with. You should make the training sessions enjoyable (using their favourite toys, etc.) and brief to avoid boredom or tension. Since Doodles are known for their rough play, which may get heated at dog parks, it’s crucial to teach your dog when to rest.
7. Bernedoodle Grooming
Since Bernedoodles do not actually shed, their coats must be continually clipped and groomed to keep them looking their best. To avoid uncomfortable mats growing and tangling up their gorgeous tresses, brushing and combing their hair two to three times a week is extremely necessary.
However, excessive cleaning can remove the natural oils that keep their coat and skin hydrated. This breed doesn’t require regular baths. Additionally, it could be a good idea to take them to a professional groomer every few months to get them trimmed, cut their nails short, and check their ears for health.
Bernedoodle Dog Breed Health
Bernedoodles are a new breed and it is difficult to estimate how long they will live and how healthy they will be. Like all breeds, this one can develop a few health problems, such as elbow dysplasia, eye problems, hip dysplasia, and skin allergies.

However, if you’re hiring a breeder, choosing one with a good reputation will eliminate the chances of acquiring any health issues in dogs.
The lifespan of a Bernedoodle dog breed varies between 12 to 18 years, with larger dogs living shorter lives and smaller dogs living longer lives. Your dog’s chances of living a long and fulfilling life will be increased if you give them the right amount of exercise, food, and vet visits.
1. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is when a dog’s hip joint becomes loose and uncomfortable as it develops and grows. Like hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia is a painful condition where a dog’s elbow develops improperly. Both of these genetic diseases can cause arthritis if they are not treated.
Keeping your Bernedoodle at a healthy weight can help prevent hip and elbow dysplasia since obesity puts additional strain on the joints. However, if the condition is severe, hip and elbow dysplasia can also require drugs, joint supplements, or surgery.
2. Progressive Retinal Atrophy
PRA is one of the eye disorders that Bernedoodles are susceptible to developing. In dogs with PRA, vision deteriorates and eventually becomes blind. These signs include:
- Clumsiness
- Dilated eyes
- Cataracts
- Night blindness (typically the initial symptom)
Although there is no cure for PRA, with the right care, blind dogs can have long and fulfilling lives.
3. Allergies
Even though Bernedoodles are known for being a suitable match for allergy sufferers, this breed occasionally deals with allergies. Their rashes, skin and ear infections, persistent itching or licking, and hair loss are symptoms of allergies that can be triggered by food or the environment.
Consult your veterinarian if you experience any of these symptoms. They can assist you in developing a strategy for locating and managing the allergy.
Getting a Bernedoodle
The most important thing to remember when purchasing a Bernedoodle is that you might be unable to predict your dog’s behaviour, appearance, and health. Each person’s experience with a Bernedoodle will be different because this is a new breed, and there are many different breeders out there.
Bernedoodle Breeders
Meeting your puppy’s parents and observing how the litter interacts with one another is always a good idea. This is crucial when selecting a crossbreed dog since you can observe the size of the parents and the personality qualities that your dog can get from them.
A reputable breeder will keep records of the parents’ lineage and be able to provide you with more information about the exact blend of the litter.
Since the AKC doesn’t recognize Bernedoodles, you’d have to look elsewhere for a reputable breeder. However, given the popularity of these pups, this should be relatively easy. Make sure you educate yourself about puppy mills and internet scams.
By doing so, you can help stop the funding of this offensive activity and ensure that the dog you adopt has had a breeding and early life that will more reliably produce a well-adjusted dog.
How to Care for a Bernedoodle
Bernedoodles are lively dogs that require a lot of time with their family since they desire attention and grow anxious if left alone for an extended period of time.

This companion dog should never be left alone at home for a long. You need to give them plenty of toys to keep them busy if you are planning to go out for more than 2 hours.
You must take your bernedoodle on at least two lengthy walks daily and give them time to play with their toys outside. Make sure to train your bernedoodle to avoid any stubbornness or behavioural issues from developing.
Your bernedoodle will require regular grooming to keep their hair out of their eyes, which will require brushing a few times a week, more frequently if their coat is particularly curly.
In order to maintain good health and happiness, your bernedoodle will also require a diet composed of premium wet or dry food divided into two or three meals each day.
Fun Bernedoodle Facts
Your spirits will soar when you bring a Bernedoodle partner into your home since it brings joy and wonder to a new level. Now that we’ve covered everything there is to know about this absurd dog breed let’s look at some interesting information:
- High sensitivity levels are characteristic of Bernedoodles that they got from their Bernese mountain dog father. These dogs can be especially impacted by punishment, stern words, or even your tone of voice, even though all dogs generally react better to positive reinforcement. Being patient and friendly with your dog should go without saying, and they will respond kindly.
- Although poodles are known for being aloof, they are also renowned for being simple to train. On the other hand, Bernese mountain dogs can be very obstinate! They could go either way, depending on your particular pup. Fortunately, older dogs outgrow this behaviour.
- Due to its size, a regular Bernedoodle can be expensive to groom.
- It’s genetic, so don’t worry if your Bernedoodle’s coat ages. A puppy with black hair who matures into a gray adult Bernedoodle is possible.
- Have you ever witnessed a dog sploot? It’s cute, and Bernedoodles are known for adopting a cute sat position.
- Bernedoodles are extremely vocal canines that appear to convey distinct messages using different sounds. This doesn’t imply that they are loud or bark excessively—traits that can be controlled with proper training—but love to talk.
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What Is a Bernedoodle’s Coat Type?
The coat of the bernedoodle results from the poodle and Bernese mountain dog. Because of their poodle origins, they typically have a short, curly, or wavy coat with a hue similar to that of the Bernese mountain dog. The more hypoallergenic a bernedoodle is, the curlier their coat is. A bernedoodle’s coat tends to be a little longer, straighter, and more prone to shedding if the DNA of the Bernese mountain dog is more prominent.
Are Bernedoodles Affectionate?
Because they are such a loving breed, Bernedoodles like receiving attention just as much as they enjoy giving it. This dog forms close relationships with their family and will relish spending as much time as possible cuddling, playing, or going for walks.
Are Bernedoodles Good With Kids?
Bernedoodles dog breed are often good with children and have a mild temperament. Even though they might play roughly with very young children, they enjoy playing with kids and being affectionate toward them.
Are Bernedoodles Good With Other Animals?
The Bernedoodle has a weak prey drive and is playful, friendly, and affectionate. This indicates that they will likely get along well with other animals and make friends with both dogs and cats they encounter. However, your dog’s temperament might vary depending on their personality, so always exercise caution when introducing new animals to your Bernedoodle and keep a close eye on their initial interactions.
Are Bernedoodles Aggressive?
It is not common knowledge that Bernedoodles are violent or have a high prey drive. They are, therefore, less inclined to assault or exhibit aggressive behaviours. To keep worry or boredom from becoming destructive, they must socialize frequently and spend much time with their families.
Does Bernedoodles Bark a Lot?
Bernedoodles typically have a moderate amount of barking, and only occasionally will they bark loudly. Your dog can become agitated and bark a lot, or they might see anything odd on your property and let you know about it. They won’t, however, incessantly bark or yap at everything they see.
Are Bernedoodles Easy to Train?
Their great intelligence and desire to delight their owners, these dog breeds are quite easy to train. However, their ancestry with the Bernese mountain dog makes them stubborn. To help them in overcoming their puppy misbehavior and lay the groundwork for simpler training as they mature, proper training and socialization should be started when they are still puppies.
Are Bernedoodles Good Apartment Dogs?
The standard-sized bernedoodle is not the best breed for an apartment dog since they are too energetic and lively to live happily in a tiny environment. As long as they receive enough time to play outside and enough room to move around in your apartment, a miniature or tiny-sized Bernedoodle can be a better option for an apartment dog.
Are Bernedoodles Good Watchdogs?
Because they are exceptionally devoted to and protective of their owners, bernedoodles make excellent watchdogs. If you’re searching for a decent watchdog, this dog can be useful because they don’t typically bark unless they notice something odd, and their greater size can deter potential invaders. Also advantageous for a watchdog are this dog’s usual intelligence and alertness.
What Should a Bernedoodle Eat?
Your bernedoodle should consume a premium dry or wet dog food diet, periodically supplemented with nutritious treats. Depending on your dog’s size and whether they are a puppy or an adult, you must adjust how much food you give your Bernedoodle daily.
One to seven cups of food can be consumed daily and divided into two or three meals. If you need assistance or dietary suggestions for your Bernedoodle, speak with a veterinarian.
How to Find a Bernedoodle Breeder?
It can be difficult to find a bernedoodle breeder, especially if you don’t know where to look. The easiest approach to discover a trustworthy breeder to buy from is to look online or ask family and friends in the areas where you currently reside.
When researching bernedoodle breeders, be careful to choose one with the appropriate permits and certificates and that the breeding dogs and their puppies’ living conditions are humane.
How Long Can A Bernedoodle Live?
The Bernedoodle lifespan is 12–18 years. The Bernese side of their lineage has a life expectancy of only seven years and a high rate of cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, heart disease, and epilepsy. Hence, Bernedoodle adopts these health issues from their parents.
How Much Does a Bernedoodle Cost?
A bernedoodle price can vary depending on several factors, including the breeder, the dog’s size, and the generation of the breed. A bernedoodle dog will often cost you between $2,000 and $4,000.